Medication for Feline UTI

In cats, a urinary tract infection (UTI) often affects the urethra or bladder. These infections can be due to bacterial buildup, mineral buildup from certain diets, stress and even allergies. Feline UTIs must be treated immediately to prevent more serious diseases, such as feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), from occurring.
  1. Symptoms

    • Easily recognizable symptoms of a feline urinary tract infection include various changes in urination patterns, such as strained or excessive urination or blood in the urine.


    • If the cause of feline UTI is bacterial, then antibiotics such as cephalexin, amoxicillin or ciprofloxacin can be prescribed.


    • If crystals are the cause of the infection, then a change in diet may be required. Cats should be fed a mixture of wet food to increase hydration and urination, along with dry food that is low in ammonium, phosphate and magnesium.

    Recurring Infections

    • Cats who are suffering from recurring urinary tract infections may be prescribed medications that help monitor the pH balance of urine. These medications include methigel urinary acidifier and potassium citrate granules.

    Homeopathic Options

    • Some owners may wish to use more natural, herbal options rather than antibiotics to treat their cat's infection. Common herbal treatments include canthar, chimaphilia and nux vomica.