How to Treat Ear Mites With Ivermectin

Ear mites, found most commonly in cats, are more than a nuisance for your pet or an inconvenience to you. While mild cases may only cause severe itching, severe infestations can lead to anemia and secondary infections in the ear. Symptoms may include head shaking and holding the head to one side or excessive scratching at the ear to the point that it bleeds. Your vet may give you Acarexx, which has ivermectin as its main ingredient and is a topical medication that you apply to your cat's ears just one time.


    • 1

      Open the pouch and pull the medicine. There should be two tubes, one for each ear.

    • 2

      Open one tube by twisting off the cap, then apply the medicine in the ear. Place the tube partially in the ear while you squeeze out all of the liquid into the ear. Do not worry that you will go too far into the animal's ear; the tube is not long enough to do any damage to the inside of the ear.

    • 3

      Rub the ear at the base to fully cover the inside of the ear with the medication.

    • 4

      Do the same for the second ear as in Step 2. Both ears should be treated.

    • 5

      Watch your cat for any side effects. In rare cases, cats may have pain in the ear or experience vomiting. A cat with pain may excessively rub the ear, howl or suddenly become aggressive. Call your vet with any concerns.