The Importance of Taking Care of the Ears

According to the Cat Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook, a cat's ears and sense of hearing are part of what make it unique (Reference 1). Caring for a cat's ears when it is a kitten can help it adjust to the procedure and prevent ear health problems later on.
  1. Significance

    • Cats have better hearing than humans and can pick up on higher frequencies than a dog. A cat's ears also guide it's amazing sense of balance. Ear movement can help indicate a cat's mood (Reference 1).


    • Cats not only have special ears, but their ears need special attention. Cat ears need to be cared for lest they develop ear diseases.

    Cat Health

    • Cats who develop ear diseases may not function as usual and can be quite uncomfortable. Regular ear care can prevent serious problems for a cat.

    Types of Symptoms

    • Cats with problems in the middle ear can suffer hearing loss. Cats with inner ear problems may wobble about, walk in circles, fall down and exhibit rapid eye movements.


    • A cat's ears do not need constant cleaning. Rather, clean when there appears to be a build-up of reside in the ear.