Are Rosemary Plants Safe for Pets?

If Fluffy or Fido was prowling around your garden and wandered into the herbs, don't worry if she took a little nibble. Most herbs, including rosemary, are safe for pets. As with so many other things in life, moderation is important. If your pet overindulges in rosemary, she may irritate her intestinal tract and throw up.

  1. A Refreshing Nibble of Rosemary

    • There is a long list of plants that are toxic to cats and dogs, but rosemary, as well as most herbs, isn't among that number. If your cat or dog has a strong attraction to rosemary, it won't hurt to toss a couple of sprinkles on her dinner -- just enough to give her the scent of the aromatic herb. Other pet-friendly herbs include oregano, basil, parsley and peppermint. Keep in mind that some herbs contain resins, oils or tannins, which can result in an upset tummy if your pet eats too much. Large amounts of such herbs also may affect your pet's central nervous system. Finally, keep chives, onions, garlic and spring parsley out of your pet's reach, as all are toxic to dogs and/or cats.