What Are the Causes of Feline Meningioma?

Feline meningioma is a type of brain tumor that afflicts cats. Feline meningioma is a cancer of the membranes that line both the cat's skull as well as spinal column. Understanding the mechanisms that cause feline meningioma is important. At this time, however, there is no strategy that a pet owner can employ to prevent feline meningioma.

  1. Primary Cancer

    • One of the causes of feline meningioma is the abnormal growth of the cells that make up the membrane lining a cat's skull. When feline meningioma occurs in this manner it is known as a primary cancer.

    Secondary Cancer

    • Another cause of feline meningioma occurs when cancerous cells break off from another part of a cat's body and move through the blood stream to the membrane that lines the skull. In this case the disease is known as secondary cancer.


    • The symptoms of feline meningioma vary. However, common signs include blindness, walking in circles, unsteady gait, toe dragging and seizures.


    • The prognosis for a successful treatment of feline meningioma is good provided there is early intervention. Feline meningioma is fairly easy to resolve in its early stages of growth.


    • Surgery is the primary course of treatment used to resolve feline meningioma. Radiation is available although not frequently recommended for treatment of feline meningioma. Medication is used to ease the symptoms of feline meningioma but does not resolve the disease.