How to Treat Feline Folliculitis

Folliculitis is an infection of the hair follicles and commonly plagues cats. This irritating illness usually affects the skin on the cat's neck, face and head. The infection can cause pustules (small, raised areas on the skin) that may open and crack, leaving a crust on the skin. Folliculitis is bothersome and annoying, but can usually be resolved with medication.

Things You'll Need

  • Antibiotics
  • Medicated shampoos


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      Take your cat to its veterinarian. Only a doctor can perform tests such as skin scrapes, biopsies or cultures to correctly identify what skin condition your cat may have.

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      Perform diagnostic testing to determine if the folliculitis is caused by an underlying factor. Folliculitis can occur on its own, but it is often a secondary infection caused by a greater problem, such as FIV, or feline immunodeficiency virus. Unless the primary issue is diagnosed and treated by your veterinarian, the folliculitis can continue to come back or never fully heal.

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      Give your cat the medication the doctor prescribes. This could be medicated shampoos and antibiotics. Cats with folliculitis are typically put on antibiotics for three to four weeks. Additionally, it is important to treat any underlying condition that may be causing the folliculitis.