Rutin Used in Cats With Chylothorax

Chylothorax is defined as an increase in chyle, a fluid produced by the lymph nodes, that accumulates in the chest cavity. Chylothorax becomes troublesome when it causes difficulty in breathing for the cat. In severe cases the chest cavity fills with fluid to the point the lungs are unable to expand normally.

  1. Treating Cats with Rutin

    • Rutin is an herbal supplement used in the treatment of a variety of ailments in humans and pets. It's most common veterinarian use is the treatment of chylothorax in cats in dogs. It is considered a blood thinner and an anti-inflammatory.

    Dosage of Rutin for Cats

    • According to the, no specific treatments or dosages of rutin for cats have been established. Alice Wolf, DVM has used 250 milligrams of rutin every eight hours in the treatment of chylothorax in cats.

    Other Treatments to be Combined With Rutin

    • The most common procedure associated with chylothorax is the aspiration of fluid from the chest cavity with a needle and syringe. This is often done previous to the treatment with rutin with the hope rutin prevents the chest from refilling with fluid.

    Cat Diet and Rutin

    • The veterinarian may order a low fat diet along with the rutin.

    Precautions with Rutin

    • Cats treated with rutin for chylothorax should be watched for any sort of breathing difficulty or an overall lack of activity that might be associated with lower breathing efficiency. A veterinarian should be consulted if any problems are noted.