Cat Joint Pain Relief

Feline joint pain is difficult for cats and their human companions alike. Some common causes of feline joint pain are bone problems, bacterial or septic infections, autoimmune disorders and cartilage degeneration. There are many courses of treatment available for feline joint pain, from medications to diets. Veterinary care is recommended if you suspect that your cat is suffering from joint problems; the veterinarian can best prescribe the treatment that suits your individual cat. However, when armed with the proper information and care strategies, your cat can live a comfortable and pain-free life.

  1. Supplements

    • Vitamin C helps to boost your cat's immune system and prevent health problems to ward off infection. Also, supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin are helpful in relieving painful joints by strengthening the joint and repairing damage to the joint. Essential fatty acid supplements aid in reduction of joint inflammation, which makes the cat's joints less painful. Look for supplements specially formulated for cats, or ask your veterinarian to recommend one.


    • A healthy diet can help ease feline joint problems. Your cat's food should contain a named meat protein as the main ingredient, as this ensures your cat gets essential vitamins and nutrients. Your veterinarian can recommend a diet for your arthritic cat that will provide adequate nutrition while aiding in treatment of joint problems. Keep your cat at the proper weight; obesity is a big contributor to joint pain as well as other feline health problems. Also, make sure that a pregnant cat receives proper nutrition during pregnancy in order to prevent future joint problems (as well as other health problems) in her offspring.

    Massage and Other Treatment

    • Massage is a popular treatment that reduces inflammation, increases flexibility, reduces stress and improves circulation. Massage can be performed by a licensed professional or at home by the owner. Chiropractic adjustments for your cat can be performed to relieve muscle pain. At home, you can help your cat by making sure a litter box is available on each floor of the house to prevent unnecessary stair climbing, keep food and water in locations convenient to your cat, provide a heated pet bed, and provide a quiet place for your pet to relax when he feels stressed.