Home Remedy to Relax a Cat

Your cat is a bundle of nerves. Maybe its having problems with another cat in your family or maybe just stressed out after going to the vet. Whatever the reason, your cat is edgy and needs to calm down. But how do you do it without reaching for potentially harmful medication?

  1. Bach Flower Remedies

    • Rescue Remedy, one of the Bach Flower essences, is used on pets for shock, stress and anxiety. Four drops on the tongue, nose, in the water or on the food will help calm your kitty. It's made of essences of Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Impatiens and Clematis. Be sure to use formulas that are safe for pets and do not have artificial sweeteners since these can be toxic to your cat.


    • Feliway is made from synthetic cat hormones that cats normally secrete in their cheek glands. This is a friendly scent to cats and helps calm them. Feliway comes in a spray or diffuser and can help calm the most anxious kitty.

    Valerian for Cats

    • Most cats respond positively to Valerian, so you might want to try Valerian capsules in pet form. Drs. Fosters and Smith sell a herbal mixture that contains Valerian called Pet Calm. Provet sells a Valerian and Skullcap mixture for pets as well. Always be sure to follow directions on the label.