How to Administer Terramycin to Cats

Terramycin is a good broad spectrum antibiotic that is used primarily as an eye ointment in cats to combat infection. It is used to treat corneal ulcers, conjunctivitis and other secondary bacterial infections of the eye. Terramycin generally comes as an ointment and is administered as a topical application two or three times daily. Cats are not generally good patients and require the use of special techniques to be properly treated.

Things You'll Need

  • Terramycin eye ointment
  • Raised surface
  • Towel


    • 1

      Place the cat on an elevated surface. This gives the caregiver an advantage when administering the ointment. A table or countertop works well for this application.

    • 2

      Wedge the cat under your arm. Place the cat facing forward under your arm so that he can't back out of your grasp. Cats will generally attempt escape by backing away from the treatment, so this technique will give the caretaker a few extra seconds to administer the treatment. If the cat is particularly resistant to being wedged, gently wrap him in a towel to prevent him from using his claws to gain leverage. Then, try to wedge him again.

    • 3

      Open the eye with the thumb and forefinger of the wedge arm. Gently pull the lower eyelid down by placing the thumb and forefinger on either side of the affected eye.

    • 4

      Administer the ointment with your free hand. Align the tip of the tube so that it is parallel to the eye of the cat. This is to keep the cat from injuring himself if he leaps forward. Squeeze a small ribbon of ointment onto the lower eyelid and then release the eyelid. The ointment will begin to liquefy.

    • 5

      Repeat the process for the other eye if necessary. Follow the same procedures for the other eye if it also requires treatment.