How to Stop Diarrhea in Cats That Are Diabetic

Diarrhea in cats is known to be a symptom of diabetes. If you know your cat has diabetes, it is important to pay close attention to its health. Observe how many stools there are each day in the litter box, and also check whether your cat is doing its business around the house.


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      Get your cat to the veterinarian. There is a chance that the diarrhea could be caused by a serious health problem. Many cats do not develop diabetes until they are older, and at this time, it is very common for cats to experience other health problems. Following any instructions that the vet provides you on how to stop the diarrhea is important. Your cat will most likely be put on antibiotics that you will need to administer. If you cannot get to the vet right away, move to the following step.

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      Make sure that your cat's diabetes is being stabilized. This means ensuring you have given your cat insulin shots and checking his glucose levels. Failing to do either of these things can cause your cat to become very sick. This may cause your cat to experience diarrhea or other adverse side effects.

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      Determine whether you have made a change in your cat's food. Almost any cat has a difficult time adjusting to new cat food when it is switched suddenly. Changing foods by mixing in a small amount with the food your cat is already eating in the beginning is best. Remember that diabetic cats tend to be much more sensitive than other cats, so diet plays a very important role in their health. Asking your vet what foods are best for diabetic cats is ideal if you haven't done so already.

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      Put your cat on a bland diet until diarrhea stops. The best thing that you can do is cook lean chicken or beef for your cat. Do not use any type of seasonings, as this will bother your kitty's stomach. Animal byproducts should be avoided. Also keep in mind that diabetic cats should not consume rice, potatoes, or any other foods that are high in carbohydrates as they will raise insulin levels. Although changing to a new cat food will irritate your cat's stomach, a bland diet should calm it down.

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      Keep your cat hydrated. Diarrhea is known to lead to dehydration. Although this will not necessarily prevent your cat's diarrhea from stopping, it will ensure that your kitty does not feel any worse. Also know that dehydration, when serious, can be fatal. Diabetic cats tend to drink from their bowls much more often than healthy cats. Making sure that your cat's water bowl is full at all times is the best thing that you can do.

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      Avoid losing your temper with a cat that has diarrhea. It is not your cat's fault. Punishing your cat for being sick is only going to scare her, and may actually worsen the problem. Giving your cat the attention and love that is required at the moment is the best thing that you can do.

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      Take your cat to the emergency vet if diarrhea is severe, persists for more than two days, or is accompanied by blood. These are all signs of a serious health condition affecting your cat. If you cannot do anything at home to stop the diarrhea, the vet is really the best option.