How to Give a Cat Advantage Flea Meds When the Coat Is Thick

Cats are susceptible to fleas. It is much easier to prevent your cat from contracting fleas than it is to kill fleas that have invaded your home. A popular medication that cat owners use to prevent fleas is Advantage.

Things You'll Need

  • Friend
  • Protective gloves (optional)
  • Flea comb
  • Advantage flea killer for cats


    • 1

      Place the cat on a firm, level surface. Have a friend or family member hold your cat for you. Instruct him to hold the cat with one hand under her belly, and one hand over her back. Your friend's assistance will give you two free hands to part the cat's fur and apply the medication. If your helper is afraid of getting scratched, he can wear protective gloves.

    • 2

      Comb the cat's fur the back of the neck to separate it. A flea comb's fine teeth are fine easily part the fur down to the skin. Set the comb in the back of the neck and lean it to one side. This will give you a clear view of the cat's skin while holding back the fur.

    • 3

      Open the Advantage tube and set the tip of it on the skin of the back of the cat's neck near the base of the skull. According to Advantage product information, "be careful not to apply it too low or your cat may be able to lick the solution." Completely squeeze all of the contents of the tube onto the skin.

    • 4

      Let the cat go and wash your hands. This is a precautionary measure to avoid a possible skin reaction to Advantage.