If your cat is acting as though its ears are itchy or painful, it may have an ear infection or ear inflammation. Visible signs such as redness, crustiness or even a fungal infection are also common.
Infection v. Inflammation
An ear infection will always have inflammation. Cats can have ear infections and inflammation, according to "Your Cat--Simple New Secrets to a Longer, Stronger Life," by veterinarian Elizabeth M. Hodgkins. Ear inflammation is not necessarily caused by an infection, but infections always result in inflammation.
Infections can be caused by allergy, ringworm, ear mites or tumors of the ear.
If your cat has ringworm in the ear, you will see a visible fungal infection in or around the ear.
Allergic Otitis
Allergic otitis is an allergic infection of the ears. You will see redness in the ear or even a visible fungal infection deep within the ear.
Other signs
If your cat is often itching its ears or acts as though its is in pain when you touch it, it is time to take it to the vet. The ears may also become crusty or discharge fluids.