Plastic Allergy Symptoms

Plastic is in a variety of products used daily by nearly everyone. Being allergic to plastic can make going to the grocery store dangerous. Understanding the triggers to plastic allergies along with knowing the symptoms are imperative in preventing exposure to the wrong items. If you're exposed, having the right treatment available quickly can be the difference between experiencing a minor allergic reaction, hospitalization or perhaps even death.

  1. Definition

    • An allergy is the body reacting to contact with an substance it views as threatening that may be ingested through the mouth or lungs. Plastic allergies are typically dermatological, via contact, but not exclusively.


    • Allergic reactions range from minor to major. A minor reaction may cause the person to develop a rash, whereas a major reaction, such as anaphylactic shock, can be life-threatening.


    • Everyday items such as credit cards, adhesive tape or gloves can trigger a minor or major allergic reaction to plastic. Although most plastic allergies are dermatological, a person may have an allergic reaction if he breathes fumes of melting plastic.


    • Minor irritations are itchy skin, redness or rashes or asthmatic symptoms, such as difficulty breathing. At worst, a person may go into anaphylactic shock, which is a collapse of the cardiovascular system.

    Allergy Testing

    • A skin-prick test is where plastic is introduced to the skin in an area that will be monitored for allergic reaction. An in vitro test is where a blood sample is taken to see if antibodies specific to plastic are present.