Cats Herbal Remedy for a Kidney Flush

Domestic cats are extremely prone to urinary tract infections, especially if they eat a diet containing only dry commercial food. In male cats, minor infections can quickly lead to life-threatening blockages of the urethra. Infections of the urinary tract, chronic dehydration and poor diet can all lead to a pet's premature death from kidney disease, which is now one of the most common causes of death in domestic cats. Pet owners can prevent these painful and deadly conditions through the conscientious, veterinarian-supervised use of herbal diuretics and antioxidants.

  1. Diuretics

    • Diuretics--compounds that irritate the urinary tract--are found in many medicinal herbs and form the core components of any kidney flush. Herbal extracts that contain diuretics stimulate the activity of a cat's kidneys and, in turn, help to flush mineral deposits and bacteria out of the urinary system. Herbal remedies that accomplish this task include dandelion, juniper, uva ursi and cleavers. While dandelion is the safest and most gentle of these herbs, stronger diuretic herbs may be necessary for some cats. When giving your cat any diuretic, be sure to compensate for its lost fluids by giving it only wet food during the flush.

    Fruit Extracts

    • Fruit extracts do not truly "flush" the kidneys in the same way as diuretic herbs, but they are highly effective in preventing the buildup of bacterial plaque in the urinary tract. Cranberry is the most famously effective fruit extract for preventing kidney disease and cystitis. Other high-antioxidant fruits, such as blueberry, also prevent pathogenic bacteria from clinging to the lining of the urethra. While cats are unable to derive any nutritional benefit from these fruits, they can still benefit from their medicinal activity. Cats with a history of urinary tract infections should take antibacterial fruits weekly to prevent their recurrence.


    • The "friendly" bacteria found in yogurt and other cultured foods can help to restore floral balance to the urinary tract after a kidney flush. Cats can ingest probiotics in the form of specialized foods, unsweetened yogurts or supplements. Daily supplementation with probiotics like L. acidophilus can treat urinary problems and prevent their recurrence. After a kidney flush, pet owners should monitor their pets closely to watch for adverse effects, including dehydration and allergic reaction. Because herbal kidney flushes can cause serious problems for cats with dehydration or active kidneys infections, they should be performed only after consulting a qualified veterinarian.