Feline bladder infections are irritating and dangerous for a cat. Untreated feline urinary tract conditions can lead to other serious medical conditions, including the formation of crystals in the urine and painful blockages that can result in the death of the cat. Due to the severity of potential complications veterinary, treatment is strongly encouraged for a feline bladder infection. However, some effective home remedies that can be used in conjunction with veterinary treatment.
Diet Change
Pure cranberry juice--no synthetic ingredients--prevents bacteria from clinging to the walls of the bladder and causing infection while acidifying the cat's urine, making it inhospitable to bacteria. Also, feed an all-natural diet free of chemical additives and ingredients, preservatives and artificial colors. These harmful ingredients weaken a cat's immune system, making it more difficult to fight off infections in the body. Consider feeding your cat a homemade diet, which when done properly can prevent imbalances and infections.
Administering combinations of herbal supplements are also effective in elimination of feline urinary tract infections. Herbal supplements pipsissewa, buchu, uva ursi, and Echinacea mixed in equal parts into a tincture is useful for this purpose. A tbls. of cooled herbal tea can be mixed into the cat's food three times daily until symptoms subside. Make the tea of golden rod, horsetail, parsley, marshmallow root and elderberry. Also, give the cat a vitamin C supplement to strengthen immunity. Ask your veterinarian for advice on the proper dosage of vitamin C for your cat.
Fluid Intake
Proper fluid intake ensures that your cat stays hydrated and encourages the cat to urinate frequently, which flushes bacteria from the body. One way to be sure the cat has adequate fluid intake is to feed only moist foods, and add water or chicken broth to dry foods. Provide a constant supply of fresh, clean water for your cat to drink to treat current and prevent future urinary tract infections.