Fleas and ticks are a common problem for pets and pet owners. These parasites are known to carry and spread disease as well as irritate the animals they infest. If that animal happens to be a kitten, fleas and ticks are not just irritating, they can be deadly. Fleas and ticks can cause a newborn kitten to become anemic as they feed on its blood, and it can quickly lead to the kitten's death. (See References 2.) Seek veterinary assistance and take immediate action if your newborn kitten (or kittens) have fleas.
Things You'll Need
- Tweezers
- Flea Comb
- Small bowl
- Dishwashing liquid
- Water
- Towel
- Box
- Heating pad
- Borax
Removing Fleas and Ticks from Newborn Kittens
Use a pair of tweezers to apply firm, gentle pressure where the tick is attached to the kitten. Gently but firmly pull the tick away and dispose of the tick. Flushing the tick down the toilet is a good option. (See References 3.)
Fill a small bowl with water and add a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Comb the kitten thoroughly with a flea comb. As fleas are removed from the kitten, dispose of them in the soapy water. (See References 1.)
Bathe the kitten in a warm room using warm water and dish soap, making suds in the kitten's fur (avoid the nose and eye area, but be sure to lather the top of the head). Allow suds to sit on kitten's fur for five minutes. Remove any fleas on the head area with a flea comb or your fingers and dispose of them. After five minutes, rinse the kitten with warm water. (See References 2.)
Gently dry the kitten's fur, then wrap the kitten in a warm towel and place the kitten and towel into a box lined with a heating pad. Allow the kitten to finish drying and groom himself in the box. (See References 2.)
While the kitten dries in the warm box, sprinkle borax on the carpet and on bedding in the areas the kitten frequents most. Allow the borax to sit on those surfaces for 30 minutes (this will kill fleas), then vacuum it up. (See References 2.)