Calcium Supplements for Cats

Not all domestic cats receive adequate amounts of calcium in their diets, especially if the cat eats a homemade diet. Even cat owners who feed their cats an all-natural and high-quality diet sometimes choose to supplement that diet with calcium to ensure that their cats receive enough of this vital mineral.

  1. Why Supplement?

    • Cats who eat homemade diets need vitamin and mineral supplements to make up for the ones that are usually added to commercially prepared foods. Calcium supplements are also a good idea for cats who are about to give birth or who have kittens that are only a few weeks old.


    • Calcium supports bone health in cats and kittens, and prevents tremors, seizures and weakness in nursing cats.


    • Using non-animal sources of calcium for supplementation reduces your cat̵7;s risk of contracting mad cow and similar diseases.


    • Most cats do not need calcium supplementation if they are not pregnant, nursing, or not fed a homemade diet.


    • Excessive amounts of calcium can prevent proper absorption of other vitamins and minerals and has been linked to joint problems in dogs. Ask your veterinarian before supplementing your cat̵7;s diet with calcium.