A hyper cat can be a joy to watch, provided your pet's energy comes back down after the spell. Particularly hyper cats can be hard to manage. They may attack you or your children, claw at the furniture, or knock items off of shelves. If your cat is too hyper and just needs to relax, mellow that kitty up with some natural herbs.
Herbs to Relax Your Cat
According to herbalremediesworld.com, the scent of the Bach flower can help relax cats. The Bach flower essences were developed in England by Edward Bach, a physician. Edward mixed thirty eight different types of wildflowers to make his essences. Today, the essences are still made by such companies as bachflower.com and bachcentre.com. Mix the essences with some water and spray them where your cat tends to linger the most. The soothing aroma should mellow him or her out.
Surprisingly, your cat might respond to catnip in a relaxing way. Cats naturally love catnip; it's why the herb got its name. While some cats get a spark in energy, other cats tend to wind right down. You can find catnip at most pet stores. Pick a little up and see how your cat responds to it. If the catnip makes your pet too high-strung, quit use and try something different.
According to mountainvalleygrowers.com, if your cat does not respond well to catnip, try cat thyme instead. Cat thyme is an herb that has fuzzy leaves and purple flowers. Cats do not generally eat the cat thyme; they do, however, enjoy rolling around in it and sleeping on it.
Finally, valerian is also said to be effective at relaxing cats. Valerian contains a chemical called "valerinone." This chemical is similar to the active chemical in catnip. According to herbalremediesworld.com, valerian calms and relaxes a cat's nerves and works well as a sleep aid.