How to Give Fluids to a Cat With Kidney Failure

Your cat suffers from serious dehydration and has been diagnosed with feline Chronic Renal Failure (CRF)--a difficult diagnosis for you and your cat. Whatever methods you choose to treat your cat's kidney failure, you need to work with a qualified and caring veterinarian. Re-hydration is not hard to do and can be of significant help to your cat. Administering fluids subcutaneously, or just under the skin, is one possible treatment when the veterinarian has diagnosed CRF.

Things You'll Need

  • Lactated Ringer's solution
  • Venoset IV tube
  • Needle


  1. How to Hydrate Your Cat

    • 1

      Roll the wheel valve of the venoset to lock it. This prevents fluid from flowing out as you assemble parts. There is a tab opening on top of the fluid bag. Remove it and insert the venoset. Push the venoset in firmly, as far as it will go.

    • 2

      Warm the fluid bag by placing it in a bowl of warm tap water. After it is warm, hang the bag so the venoset connection is at the bottom. The bag should hang just above the spot you've chosen to hydrate your cat. Pinch off the bag's reservoir so it is approximately half-full.

      Take off the protective cap and turn the plastic fastening nut, so it is loose. Then put the needle on the end of the venoset. Twist the fastening nut onto the needle's base so it locks into place.

    • 3

      Remove the needle cap gently, then open the wheel valve. Run some fluid through to get rid of air in the tubing (don't worry, a few bubbles are fine). Move the valve up and down to ascertain the tubing does not restrict the flow. You are ready to hydrate your cat.

    • 4

      Make your cat comfortable. Pet it and talk quietly and gently until it seems calm. Two people are best for hydration process, but it can be done fairly easily by one person. When your cat is calm, gently pull some loose skin around or just below your cat's shoulder blades at the back. The skin should make a "tent." Insert the prepared needle into the skin quickly and smoothly. Then release the "tent" and open the valve on the venoset. A bulge or lump will form as fluids accumulate beneath the skin.

      Once 150cc of fluids have been administered, close the roller valve, remove the needle and twist your cat's skin gently, to help prevent leakage.

    • 5

      Give your cat some TLC or a treat to comfort him. Recap the old needle for disposal, remove it from the venoset and replace it with a new one. Refrigerate the fluid bag with the venoset still attached. Warm the bag each time you give fluids, and run the cooler liquid in the tubing out before inserting the needle into your cat.