Healthy Cat Weight

As it is with humans, it is important to keep our pets at healthy weights. The average healthy weight of a cat varies upon its stage in life and living situation.

  1. Average

    • According the National Academics (see Reference 1), your cat is a healthy weight if he is well-proportioned, has a moderate waist behind his ribs and has a thin covering of fat over his ribs and abdomen.


    • A five-pound kitten needs 200 calories a day. A domestic cat that weighs 10 pounds needs 280 calories a day.


    • A pregnant cat, however, needs more nutrition. She needs at least 603 calories per day if she weighs 10 pounds.


    • A cat should always have access to fresh water. Cats will drink about 2 ml of water for every gram of dry food they consume.


    • If allowed, a cat will eat 12 to 20 times a day on its own. It is best to space its feedings out more than once a day.