Home Remedies for Sores from a Cat Licking Its Paws

Cats lick themselves in order to stay clean. Most cats lick their paws and use their paws to clean their heads and the other places their tongues can't reach. However, a cat's tongue is very rough, and if he licks himself continuously, even on his paws, it will cause sores. There are some home remedies that you can try to help your cat alleviate his sore paws.

  1. Distraction

    • Most cats who lick their paws too much do so out of boredom. A cat who is bored might resort to cleaning himself more than necessary, and thereby irritate his paws. If your cat is licking himself too much, distract him or change his routine so that he exercises more. Play with a laser pointer for him to chase. Buy him new toys, a scratching post and new treats. Spend more time with him so that he does not feel bored enough to lick his paws. Once your cat stops licking his paws too often, the sores should go away.


    • Sores on your cat's paws might get worse the more that he licks them. There are nontoxic ointments that you can apply on your cat's paws that are not harmful for him to ingest. Pick some up from your vet, or check the over-the-counter supply at your local pet store.

    Cleaning Sores

    • Sores get worse when they are left untreated because cats walk around in dirty places. Clean your cat's paws each day before applying ointment. Regular water and a very mild soap will work on the sores.