Frontline Flea Cure

Frontline is a flea- and tick-control product made by Merial. It is available for both dogs and cats, and can be used on pets of any size older than 8 weeks of age. It is available as a topical application in two different formulas--Frontline Top Spot and Frontline Plus--and as Frontline Spray Treatment.

  1. Ingredients

    • There are two active ingredients in Frontline. Fipronil paralyzes the parasite. Methoprene is an insect-growth regulator included in Frontline Plus that keeps immature fleas from developing.


    • Frontline is stored in oil glands under the pet's skin. Throughout the month, the product remains on the pet's skin and hair, delivered through the hair follicles.

    Time Frame

    • Frontline is effective at controlling fleas and ticks for one month. However, it is best to wait a couple days after applying the product before bathing your pet or allowing it to go swimming. The Frontline Spray Treatment provides the same month-long protection against fleas and ticks.


    • Frontline Spray should be applied over the pet's entire body, with care taken not to get the product in the pet's eyes. The topical Frontline Plus and Frontline Top Spot are applied by parting your pet's hair and squeezing the application onto a single spot between your pet's shoulder blades.


    • Many veterinarians are recommending Frontline Plus now, rather than Frontline Top Spot. Because Frontline has been available since the mid-1990s, some veterinarians say they are seeing some resistance by fleas and ticks to Top Spot.


    • For cats and small dogs, Frontline Spray Treatment is the most economical choice. However, because the pet's entire body must be sprayed in order for the product to be effective, Frontline Top Spot or Frontline Plus are more economical choices for large dogs.