Cat Pregnancy Symptoms

According to, pregnancy in cats lasts 63 days on average, with symptoms first noticeable during the third week of pregnancy. Although their stomach swells during pregnancy like humans, cat pregnancy symptoms are not similar to human pregnancy symptoms. There are also other symptoms they display in the weeks after conception that indicate a developing pregnancy.

  1. Physical Signs

    • The first symptom of pregnancy is the swelling and enlargement of the cat's nipples. The nipples usually are light pink.


    • The cat also goes through hormonal changes, which causes her to become more affectionate with other cats and people. The hormonal changes also affect her energy, making her feel more tired or lethargic.


    • According to, the cat may also vomit, which is caused by the sudden physical and hormonal changes in the cat's body. This can happen at any time of the day.


    • The cat will begin to eat more in the sixth week of pregnancy.


    • The cat's behavior significantly changes in the seventh week of pregnancy. She may act excited, roll around or stretch more often.