Symptoms of Allergy to Cats

Allergies to pets appear in about 10 percent of the population, with cats being the most common offenders. Many symptoms can indicate you may have an allergy to cats.

  1. Sneezing

    • Sneezing is a common effect of a cat allergy. This onset is usually fast and happens when you are first exposed to a cat.

    Itchy Eyes

    • You may find your eyes get bloodshot and itchy around cats. Eyes may water as they try to reject the cat dander.


    • You may cough or wheeze after being around a cat. This can be more dangerous because if allergies are untreated, they can possibly lead to asthma.

    Rash or Hives

    • If you have hives on your chest or face, you may be having a more severe reaction to the cat. Hives are red, raised patches of skin that itch.

    Cat Bites and Scratches

    • Cat bites or scratches will make your skin puff up and turn red and irritated if you are allergic to cats.


    • You can treat your allergy with over-the-counter or prescription medication. If you are unsure if a cat is causing your symptoms, have yourself tested for cat allergies.