Facts About the Muscular System

The muscular system is one of the most vital parts of a feline. Without the muscular system, the cat would not be able to catch prey, drink water or do any other action important to living a healthy life.

  1. Movement

    • The muscular system in cats is important for controlling movement of the body. This includes daily activities such as jumping, eating, playing and even sleeping.

    Voluntary and Involuntary

    • Feline muscles are either voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary muscles are muscles that the cat controls through thoughts and by needs or desires. Involuntary muscles move automatically, without the cat's direct thoughts.

    Skeletal Muscles

    • Skeletal muscles are muscles that are specifically attached to the skeleton and control movement of the cat. Feline skeletal muscles are voluntary.

    Additional Muscles

    • Smooth muscles and cardiac muscles are involuntary muscles in the cat that continue to move and operate without the cat's intent. For example, the cardiac muscles--which are specific to the heart--will continue to beat automatically.


    • Muscles are attached to each other through connective tissues made of cells. Skeletal tissues are attached to the bone by tendons, which aid in movement of the cat.