Cat Blindness Symptoms

Blindness in cats can be sudden or it can occur over time. Fortunately, blindness is not life-threatening and symptoms are often relatively easy to spot.

  1. Clumsiness

    • Clumsiness is one of the most obvious signs of blindness in a cat. The cat may bump into walls, doors or other objects around the home.


    • Cats who are losing their vision may also become fearful of the world around them. They may be easily startled by noises or movements that may not have previously bothered them.


    • Vision loss can alter a cat's behavior. For example, they may not show any interest in playing with favorite toys, window watching or normal hunting behaviors.

    Food, Water and Bowel Movements

    • Blindness can lead to an inability to find food and water. There may also be accompanying changes in bowel movements such as less frequent urination, uncontrollable defecation and dehydration.


    • Additional changes in behavior include lethargy, excessive sleeping and an overall inattentive or absent-minded cat.