Cat Illness Diagnosis

Many feline illnesses exists that may afflict your cat. Some are easily diagnosed and treated at home; others only improve with veterinary treatment. If you suspect your cat is ill, first consult your veterinarian

  1. Symptoms

    • Symptoms of illness are varied, but often you will simply notice the cat just isn't his usual self. Look for changes in temperament or litter box behavior, loss of or increased appetite, vomiting, weight loss/gain, hair loss, skin rashes, discharge from eyes or nose.


    • Some common feline illnesses include urinary tract infections, constipation, flea allergies, food allergies or stomach sensitivity, sinus infections and cancer. If left untreated, even the least serious of these can result in death.

    Veterinary Diagnosis

    • A veterinarian does routine physical examinations and diagnostic tests to pinpoint illness. Common diagnostic tests include blood tests, urinalysis, fecal exams, allergy tests, X-rays, biopsies, fungal and bacterial cultures.


    • Treatment of illness can include hospitalization, prescription antibiotics, topical medications, specialized diets, intravenous medications and occasionally surgery.

    Illness Prevention

    • Be familiar with your cat's typical grooming, litter box, eating, drinking and day-to-day behavior so you are aware of any arising problems. Awareness is key to illness prevention.