Symptoms of Cat Illnesses

Even a cat that is kept indoors can get sick. Having more than one cat in the home can increase the chances of illness, especially if one or both of the cats goes outdoors. Some illnesses are due to infections and some are normal to the aging process. Recognizing the symptoms of when to take your cat to the vet can improve their chances of being well again.

  1. UTI

    • Urinary tract infections can be very common in cats. A cat who is going to the litter box more often and crying while in the box or having blood in the urine should be seen as soon as possible by a vet who can prescribe an antibiotic.


    • Cats get upper respiratory infections just like people do. Signs such as sneezing, coughing, runny nose, raspy meow and loss of appetite indicate a possible infection.


    • A cat with distemper will become lethargic with no appetite and decreased thirst. Often diarrhea and vomiting are present with loss of fur in severe cases. If caught early, it can be treatable.


    • Diabetes in a cat will present with symptoms of excessive thirst and urination and often extreme appetite. Diabetes can be managed by diet and insulin shots.

    Kidney Problems

    • As a cat ages, sometimes the kidneys begin to fail. Signs of this happening include constipation, lethargic behavior and a lack of appetite.


    • Another common cat illness is peritontis, the symptoms of which include weight loss, swollen abdomen and loss of appetite. Peritontis is almost always fatal.