Incision Care in Cats

When your cat comes home from having surgery, he'll no doubt have an incision. The responsibility of ensuring that this incision heals properly will fall to you. Proper care will allow the incision site to heal cleanly and quickly.

  1. Identification

    • Within a few days after surgery, the edges of the incision will appear red and swollen. This is normal and will fade in a day or two.


    • A healing incision will not have any wide gaps or excess redness or bleeding. Call your vet if a foul odor or discharge is emanating from the wound site.


    • Do not allow your cat to excessively lick or chew at the incision site, and keep his bedding clean and dry. Clean the incision when necessary with hydrogen peroxide and a cotton ball.


    • An overly rambunctious cat may open his incision during play, causing swelling and preventing healing. Try to limit your cat's physical activity for at least a few days after surgery.

    Time Frame

    • A properly cared for, non-infected incision should heal in a healthy cat in about 10 to 14 days. Close monitoring is key to catch a possible infection before it gets too bad.