Ant Killers That Are Safe for Cats

When searching for pest control products, especially if you are a pet owner, always presents questions about safety when used around pets. It is important to choose a product or make your own natural recipe when deciding on the product you will use to eliminate common household pests such as ants.

  1. Household Products That Kill Ants

    • Solutions can be made from everyday products that you can find in the grocery store that are inexpensive but get the job done. Some of these products include instant grits, oatmeal, cream of wheat cereal and cornmeal.

    Placement of the Product

    • Sprinkle the product around the targeted ant hill and where they are seen inside of your house. Each of the products listed must be kept dry in order to gain maximum results.

    Dinner Time for Ants

    • The ants take the product down into their nests and the cereal, when consumed, will swell inside of the stomach of the ant. The end result is death.

    Homemade Ant Traps

    • You could also mix molasses and yeast and spread it on cardboard and place it in trouble areas. The yeast pulls all of the fluids from the body of the ants, thus resulting in death.

    Another Effective Ant Killer

    • Artificial sweeteners such as NutraSweet are also effective.