How to Treat a Cat With Broken Bones

Because cats are more apt to wander around at night, cars sometimes hit them. If the accident isn't fatal, your cat will most likely have a broken bone and possibly other injuries as well. A vet is the only person who can give your cat proper care for broken bones, so follow these steps to care for your cat's broken bones before taking it to the veterinarian.

Things You'll Need

  • Sterile dressing
  • Towel
  • Animal carrier


    • 1

      Use care when approaching your cat. He will be in great pain and may bite or scratch you, not realizing you are trying to help. Remain calm and don't get angry at your cat. Make soothing noises and if his head is not injured you can try scratching him behind his ears to help calm him down.

    • 2

      Pick your cat up gently when moving him. Always support the shoulders and the hips at the same time, trying not to move joints or legs.

    • 3

      Clean any open wounds if you will not be able to take the cat to a veterinarian immediately. Use clean warm water to wash out any debris and then cover the wound with a sterile dressing. Remember not to wrap it too tightly. If you can take the cat to the vet immediately, skip Step 3 and go ahead to Step 4.

    • 4

      Cover open wounds with sterile dressing to reduce blood flow. Wrap your cat in a towel to minimize movement of the broken bones. Handle her gently to reduce any pain.

    • 5

      Place the cat in an animal carrier to transport him. He is going to be very scared and if you try to take him to the vet without a cage he might try to get away, thereby injuring himself further.