Ear Mites Cure

Ear mites are nasty, microscopic creatures that burrow into the ear canals of your cat (or dog) and cause pain and itching. They also sometimes migrate onto other parts of the body. Their burrowing action can cause secondary infections, so it's important to get treatment for ear mites as soon you suspect their presence on your pet.

  1. Symptoms

    • Look for the symptoms specific to ear mites. The symptoms of ear mites can mimic those of other ear issues. For example, a cat with allergies may shake his head a lot and scratch at its ear, both of which are common behaviors in cats with ear mites. However, cats with ear mites will usually have brown "gunk" in their ears, as well as a residue that looks like dried coffee grounds. This is actually dried blood and comes from the burrowing action of the mites. If you see these things in your cat's ears, take your cat to the vet. If you do not see them, it is probably just fleas or allergies, but continue to keep an eye on your cat's behavior, just in case.


    • Take your cat to the veterinarian. You will need a prescription medication to get rid of the ear mites, and only your vet can give it to you. Your vet will examine the ears of your cat closely, using a special tool that allows the vet to see deeply inside of the eardrum passageway. The vet may also take a swab of the inner ear and look at it under the microscope. Then, the veterinarian will clean out your cat's ears thoroughly. Finally, he will apply the medication and instruct you on how to do it yourself at home.

    Home Treatment

    • Apply the medicine to your cat's ears once per day. This is done by applying a few drops into each ear. Most cats hate this, so you will have to firmly restrain your cat. It is best if you can get a helper to hold the cat down while you apply the medication. You should do this once per day and might have to do it up to four weeks, if the ear-mite infestation is severe enough. If the mites have traveled out of the ears and onto the cat's body, as they sometimes do, you should also wash you cat with a flea shampoo. This will kill the mites. You do not have to treat any furniture, as the mites do not live well when off the cat.