How to Treat Dandruff in Cats

Just like humans, animals can get dandruff. Cats seem to be particularly susceptible to this skin condition. Thankfully, cat dandruff is easily avoidable and treatable. Making sure that your cats have a healthy diet and paying careful attention to their coats can make all the difference in the world. It should be noted that there is a parasite known as "walking dandruff" that resembles dandruff but is not. If your cat appears to have dandruff that moves, seek medical advice from your veterinarian.

Things You'll Need

  • Tuna fish
  • Pet brush
  • Olive oil


    • 1

      Examine your cat for fleas or other bugs. Fleas can cause dermatitis, and parasites can appear to be dandruff. If you suspect parasites, your vet will need to be consulted.

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      Stop bathing your cat. Cat's clean themselves instinctively. Shampooing them can dry out their skin, causing dandruff.

    • 3

      Feed your cats small amounts of tuna fish. Tuna contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help keep their coats healthy.

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      Take your cat to the vet. Feline diabetes can cause dandruff.

    • 5

      Brush your cats. This will help remove any dead skin cells and stimulate oil production at the follicle.

    • 6

      Add a few drops of olive oil to your cats food. Mix well before serving.