Signs & Symptoms of Hypothyroidism in Cats

Feline hypothyroidism is rare, but can seriously diminish the animal's quality of life if left untreated. The thyroid gland is essential to maintaining metabolic function in the body, and a cat with hypothyroidism has an underactive thyroid gland that is not producing enough hormones to maintain metabolic function.

  1. Weight Gain

    • Hypothyroidism causes a cat to become excessively hungry and thirsty, triggering rapid weight gain.


    • The lack of normal hormone production can cause cats to seem extremely tired and lethargic. It may be difficult to engage a cat with hypothyroidism in any activity.


    • Hypothyroidism predisposes cats to joint disease, especially in their ligaments.


    • Drastic changes will occur in the cat's skin and fur. Dry, itchy skin will develop extreme dander. Hair loss and shedding will be increased. Underneath the fur, the skin will have the appearance of being very wrinkled.


    • Cats with hypothyroidism may have a tendency to excessively groom themselves and pull their fur out in large clumps. This is due to changes in the skin and fur.