Bad Breath Cures for Cats

People who have cats enjoy the fact that most of them are cuddly and love to be petted. However, bad breath can ruin your time with a cat and can be a sign of something that is wrong with your cat as well. Bad breath cures can help you make sure your cat is living a happy and healthy life.

  1. Types

    • There are three main types of bad breath in cats. The first is bad breath due to the food that the cat is eating. The second type of bad breath has to do with the condition of your cat's teeth. The third type of smell is an indication of something that is wrong, such as a rotten tooth, sores in the mouth, or sickness.


    • In order to tell if the bad breath comes from the food your cat eats, the condition of her teeth, or something more serious, you first must examine the smell. Although it isn't pleasant, see if you can get a whiff of your cat's breath. If it smells like fish or slightly like the food your cat is eating, the problem is most likely with the diet. If your cat's breath smells slightly rotten and musty, it most likely has to deal with the condition of your cat's teeth. If the breath is absolutely putrid and makes you almost gag, it might be a more serious issue.

      You can use other factors to help you identify the problem. Very stinky poop indicates that the food might be at fault for the breath, too. Dark patches on teeth might mean dirty teeth. Other symptoms like obvious pain, lethargy, or disinterest in food or water indicate a more serious problem.


    • If you suspect that the food your feed your cat is causing bad breath, you can change diets gradually to something that your vet recommends. You can also add a breath freshening treat to the diet your cat already has, in the hopes that this will correct the problem.

      If your cat's teeth are dirty, try a teeth-cleaning treat first. Cats who will eat this type of treat benefit from a cleaner mouth. If your cat won't eat it or if the treat fails to help, get a cat toothbrush and ask your vet for a demonstration on how to clean your cat's teeth.

      If you suspect that the bad breath might be due to a rotten tooth, a sore in the mouth, or a health problem, seek vet help immediately. The best solution to this type of bad breath is to let a professional help.

    Time Frame

    • When you have a cat with bad breath due to diet, unless you make drastic diet changes, the bad breath might never go away. Some owners get used to it, and some change diets until they find one that works. If your cat's bad breath is due to dirty teeth, the problem should get better as soon as you have cleaned her teeth. If your cat's bad breath is due to another problem, your vet can advise you on how long you will have to live with the breath problem.


    • If your cat's bad breath persists, even after you have changed diet, cleaned teeth, and spoken to a vet, it might be time to seek a second opinion from another vet. There could be a problem lurking that your first vet did not see.