Natural Flea Killer for Cats

Cats can pick up fleas faster than dogs can. Cats are also more susceptible to toxins and chemicals found in commercial flea medications. Because of this fact, natural flea killers have become one of the best--and safest--methods to kill fleas.

  1. Neem

    • Neem is a natural pet shampoo which can be safely used on both dogs and cats. This type of shampoo helps to kill fleas and provide nutrients to feline skin.


    • A nematode is a microscopic worm which eats flea larvae. You can place these around the perimeter of your house to stop young fleas from entering.

    Soapy Water

    • Warm, soapy water is a known deathtrap to fleas because fleas cannot swim or breathe in it. Place a shallow dish near a nightlight to rid the room of fleas.

    Non-Chemical Spray

    • A non-chemical spray can be made of citronella, rosemary, wormwood and peppermint oil. These herbs are toxic to fleas but safe for cats when sprayed on the fur or around the house.


    • Pennyroyal and citrus oils can kill fleas but are toxic to cats. These have been found to cause liver problems in cats.