How to Inject a Cat With Lactated Ringers

Giving a cat subcutaneous fluids with Ringers Lactated Solution is easier than you may think and will make a sick cat feel so much better. The few minutes you spend giving fluids can become quality time and a bonding experience for you and your cat, if you're calm, upbeat and confident. This is the easiest way to give a cat subcutaneous fluids.

Things You'll Need

  • Ringers Lactated Solution
  • Venoset IV tube
  • Needles (18-gauge work best)
  • Cat bed or a box
  • Soft towel
  • Clothes hanger
  • Treats


    • 1

      Practice makes "purrfect." If you've never given a cat an injection, practice on a piece of fruit, a fresh turkey or chicken, or a stuffed animal before you inject your cat.

    • 2

      Create a comfortable, contained place for your cat to lie in while you're giving the fluids. A cat bed will work, or use a box lined with a soft, fluffy towel.

    • 3

      Remove the bag of Ringers Lactated Solution and the Venoset from their bags. Lock the Venoset by rolling the wheel valve to keep the fluids from flowing while you attach the line to the bag. Remove the tab from the bag of fluids and insert the Venoset. Push it in as far as it will go.

    • 4

      Warm the Ringers Lactated Solution by putting the bag in a bowl of warm water. Warm fluids are more comfortable for the cat. Then, using a clothes hanger, hang the bag of fluids as high as you can. A shower curtain rod is best. Insert the needle into the Venoset.

    • 5

      Place your cat in the bed or box you've prepared. Pet him and talk softly to him. The more confident you are, the more cooperative your cat will be.

    • 6

      Pull the skin up around your cat's shoulder blades to make a "tent." Insert the needle into the skin with one quick, smooth action. Then release the tent and open the valve on the Venoset. You'll see what looks like a lump or a pouch forming as the fluids begin to accumulate under the skin.

    • 7

      When you're done, reward your cat with treats or some wet food, and thank him for being such a cooperative patient!