Frontline Flea Treatment Safety

Frontline is a medication for cats and dogs. It gets rid of ticks and fleas and prevents them from infesting your cat or dog ever again. The problem is that Frontline contains pesticides. It must be used with caution and all directions on the package must be followed. This is to ensure the health of the animal as well as the health of the human that is administering the medication.

  1. Consider the age and condition of your pet

    • You should never apply Frontline to a cat or dog under the age of eight weeks. The medication is applied directly to the skin and can cause irritations and hyperactivity. Waiting until the kitten or puppy is a little older will lessen the chances of any side effects. It is also best not to use Frontline on a pregnant animal. You do not want to take the chance of the pesticides causing a problem for the unborn animal.

    Wear gloves

    • In order for the pesticides not to be absorbed into a human being's skin, the individual administering the Frontline treatment should wear plastic gloves. These can be purchased relatively cheaply at any grocery store. It is also possible to place a plastic shopping bag over each hand if you do not have any plastic gloves available. Throw the plastic gloves or bags away after the treatment has been given.