Cat Calming Home Remedies

Normally, cats are the very picture of calm and collected animals. But occasionally, such as when they're being transported in a carrier to the vet, a cat's behavior can be anything but calm. A stressed kitty can disappear faster than the invisible man. And although sedatives might work, some pet owners shy away from their possible side effects. The solution for worried pet owners might be found in all-natural herbs to calm your cat.

  1. Catnip

    • Catnip is one herbal medicines that belong on any list of cat-friendly herbs because cats really do enjoy it. Catnip contains a chemical called nepetalactone, which is found on the surface of the leaves. When the leaves are broken, the scent released triggers the pleasure centers in the cat's brain. The effect lasts around 15 minutes, and typically cats are sleepy afterward. Other nepetalactone-bearing plants that attract cats are cat mint and cat thyme.


    • In humans, ginseng is a root that has been used in tea to help calm nerves and relieve stress. Because this an herb that is easy to take and digest in felines, some pet owners find its calming applications are useful. Additionally, there are no known side effects in cats who take ginseng. The herb can be administered whole and fresh, dried or in capsules.


    • In humans, the stress-relieving benefits of lavender are well-documented, so much so that dried lavender was placed in linen closets not only to repel moths, but also to lend its calming scent to bed linens. To help calm a stressed cat, you can place a drop of lavender essential oil on a favorite cat toy and let the cat play with it. This will immediately help calm down a stressed pet.


    • When Peter Rabbit's mother fed him chamomile tea, it wasn't just to make his cold better. Chamomile is well-known for helping soothe nerves and straighten out a stomach that has been tied in knots because of stress. This remedy doesn't just work on humans and rabbits. Cats can also receive the benefit of chamomile. You can administer the herb in a cat's food or make up a tea that can be diluted into the cat's water.