Best Flea Treatments for Cats

Flea prevention and treatment is a billion-dollar-a-year business. Preventing and treating fleas is a top concern for many cat owners. The choices for treatment vary widely, so cat owners must ensure that the products they are using are safe and effective.

  1. Understanding Fleas

    • Fleas are tiny insects that feed on the blood of the host animal. In one month, 25 adult female fleas can multiply to a quarter of a million fleas, so prevention and early treatment is critical in controlling infestations.


    • The best treatment for fleas is to prevent exposure by keeping cats indoors at all times, and preventing outside dogs to come in contact with indoor cats.

    Treatment Steps

    • If your cats develop fleas, you should follow four steps to eliminate the infestation: 1) remove fleas from the indoor environment, 2) remove fleas from the outdoor environment, 3) remove fleas from the pet and 4) keep immature forms of fleas from developing.

    Eliminating Fleas in the Environment

    • To eliminate fleas inside, thoroughly vacuum the house and treat with a safe fogger or powder. To reduce fleas outside, rake up debris and yard waste where fleas could live and treat the yard with a product containing fenvalerate.

    Treating the Cat

    • Most flea products sold at veterinarians' offices contain products to both kill adult fleas and prevent the maturation of eggs. Popular topical flea treatments include Frontline and Advantage.

    Dangers of Cheap Flea Products

    • Hartz voluntarily agreed to stop production after numerous adverse reactions were reported to the EPA. Studies also reveal that toxins emitted from flea collars can cause brain and nerve damage to pets, and can poison people that come in contact with the collars, especially children.