Determining why your cat is biting... and then getting it to stop... can be very frustrating. You may feel like you don't know where to begin. My family recently tackled this situation with great success.
Things You'll Need
- Patience
- An initial visit to the vet
We have a ten year old cat that, last year, had started biting for no apparent reason. We needed to quickly resolve this and thankfully we have had great results. Our first step was to be certain that the cat was not simply reacting to a stimulus. After determining that our children were not in any way taunting the cat, I decided to call the vet.
Calling the vet was an essential part of solving this problem. The staff at the clinic explained that the age of the cat can play a great role in a biting situation. As cats grow older they often become irritable. Giving them more space at home can help calm this age related scenario. They may just need to be left alone a bit. Do not have visitors or children sit as closely, pet as often etc.
The dental health of the cat can also cause biting. They may have an unhealthy oral problem such as an infected tooth or gum area. This is common with cats as it can be very difficult to keep their teeth clean. A vet visit will rule this out.
Our vet was also concerned with the cat's thyroid level wich can cause anxiousness and biting. Again, thyroid levels can be checked at the vet. This testing is done quickly and easily through blood work.
Our vet explained to us that some cats do not have a medical reason for biting and that medication is available if the biting is strictly a behavioral issue. We were told that administering daily Feline Prozac is a possibility to reduce biting.
We decided, because no medical cause was found in our case, to simply take extra care in giving our aging cat room. We have talked with the kids about being affectionate with our family pet but not smothering. I'm glad to say that the problem has really gone away! I wish you luck with your cat... they are such a part of the family... and correcting this situation is really essential to everyone's happiness.