It is important to know if a cat is pregnant as early as possible so you can provide the necessary care and prepare for kittens. The average cat is pregnant for 65 days and pregnancy can be as short as 60 days, so preparation time is limited. If you have an unspayed female cat at least five months of age you'll want to watch for signs she is pregnant. Read on to learn more.
Start watching for signs of pregnancy if the cat's heat cycles stop. One of the first signs is when her cycle stops suddenly. If you see this, continue watching for other signs.
Notice if her nipples swell. A pregnant cat has swollen nipples that become redder in color. This happens early in the pregnancy.
Watch the cat's appetite. The cat begins eating for three or more and therefore will have occasional surges in appetite.
Feel the cat's abdomen. If you notice some of the early signs of a pregnant cat, start feeling the cat's abdomen on a regular basis. Her abdomen will begin to swell about five weeks into a pregnancy and continues to get larger until she gives birth. A pregnant cat also becomes plumper around the sides of the back half of her body.
See if her personality has changed. A pregnant cat usually becomes more affectionate.
Keep an eye on a cat who has all the signs of pregnancy to see if she begins to nest. The final sign of a pregnant cat is she starts preparing a quite, safe place to give birth. If she tucks herself away in a corner or under a bed, pregnancy is probably imminent.