How to Help a Cat or Dog With a Urinary Tract Infection

Cats and dogs get urinary tract infections just like people do. Bacteria somewhere in the urinary system causes symptoms of frequent urination, fever, restlessness, pain and discomfort. Ultimately, this problem can become life-threatening if left untreated.

Because we don't know how extensive the infection may be, and because it could include the kidneys or other areas, it is best to take the animal to the vet as soon as you can. In males, the problem can prevent urination and end in death in a short period of time. Do not waste time delaying a vet visit.

Meanwhile, you can purchase a simple product -- actually, one of two products -- that can be given which will help alleviate the pain and symptoms quickly, before the medication your vet will give can take effect in this way. Most health food stores such as GNC and other chain and privately-owned stores carry grapefruit seed extract and colloidal silver. These are both effective against bacteria in the urinary tract.

Things You'll Need

  • Small bottle of grapefruit seed extract (and/or)
  • Small bottle of colloidal silver


    • 1

      If you see your cat making frequent and unproductive trips to the cat box, or your dog seems to keep wanting to go but cannot, then an infection with or without a blockage should be suspected. Lethargy, withdrawal, mood change, lack of appetite, licking of the urinary entrance, pacing and discomfort should alert you.

      They can be added to water and be given by mouth (colloidal silver is tasteless) mixed with milk, broth or water. They can be administered directly with a syringe, given in the food or mixed in the water. Grapefruit Extract is bitter, and only a couple of drops is necessary, up to four times a day. Make sure you do not administer this product straight, as it can irritate mucous membranes if not mixed with something else. Very little is needed, and it is natural. Both of them can also be used with people.

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      Know that grapefruit seed extract comes in both liquid and capsule form. Liquid works well as people can mix it with water or food easily. For people, the capsules may work best, but they both work. Only two drops at a time are needed per dose.

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      Familiarize yourself with colloidal silver. It is a bit pricey, but also is very effective. It tastes like water with a bit of metallic quality to it. All it is, is a suspended, microscopic colloid of silver, which by it's nature is antibacterial.

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      Use a syringe or similar applicator. You can also get a feeding syringe meant for this purpose from the vet. Keep all these types of aids, as they come in handy later for other needs. Keep them clean -- washed in soapy water after each usage.