Feline Dental Cleaning

Just as in humans, plaque and tartar builds up on a cats teeth, making it susceptible to periodontal disease. Because of this, Doctors Foster and Smith recommend oral examinations as a part of annual veterinary visits as well as at home feline dental cleaning.

  1. At-home Cleaning Equipment

    • Special toothpastes for cats are available in flavors they enjoy, such as tuna or poultry. Specialized feline toothbrushes and cleaning sponges also are necessary equipment for feline dental cleaning at home.

    At-home Cleaning Process

    • When beginning dental cleaning at home, veterinarians recommend introducing the process gradually. Pet owners often start by introducing the cat to the feeling of the toothpaste by using the fingers and then begin using the toothbrush or sponge to clean one or two teeth, gradually adding more over time.


    • Some dry cat foods assist with feline dental cleaning by mechanically removing plaque from the teeth. Some foods bare the insignia of the Veterinary Oral Health Council, meaning that the food is recommended to combat plaque.

    Veterinary Dental Cleaning

    • When plaque deposits harden and form tartar, it becomes necessary for cleaning to take place in a veterinarian's office. The process requires anesthetizing the cat so it is unconscious during the procedure.

    Features of Veterinary Dental Cleaning

    • During the procedure, veterinarians utilize a rinse to kill oral bacteria, ultrasonic scalers to remove plaque and polishing equipment to minimize blemishes and scratches on the teeth. The veterinarian also examines the cat for gum disease and takes X-rays to assess overall dental health.