How to Kill Fleas with dish soap detergent

After our pug got fleas for the first time, we tried several solutions until we found the one that worked for us. These steps will tell you how to remove and kill fleas or ticks from your pet animal. These steps will also tell you how to prevent them from coming back.

Good luck!

Things You'll Need

  • dog, cat, etc
  • fleas
  • dawn dish soap
  • flea collar
  • flea spray


    • 1

      First step is to wash your pet with dish soap. In a bath tub, create a solution of equal parts Dawn dish soap and water. Using your hands or a brush, thoroughly scrub your pet to ensure that the soap penetrates your pet's coat.

    • 2

      Once your pet is properly lathered, let the soap and water mixture sit. The idea here is to drown the fleas and wash out any eggs that the fleas may have laid.

    • 3

      Now that the soap has been properly applied, rinse your pet to remove the soap and wash away the dead fleas. Ensure that you avoid getting soap in your pet's eyes.

    • 4

      With your pet freshly cleaned, apply a flea collar. This flea collar usually lasts for several months and will prevent fleas or ticks from returning to your pet.

    • 5

      Once the dog has been bathed and equipped with a flea collar, the next step is to use a flea spray. Spray the solution on your pet's sleeping area and other locations your pet frequently visits. This will be your final step in ensuring that your pet lives flea-free!