Herbal Treatment for Feline HIV

FIV, or the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, is the cause of feline AIDS. It is not, however, the same as HIV in humans. It is similar in that FIV attacks the feline's immune system, making it more susceptible to infections that will usually cause the cat's death. There are several herbal remedies that can help prolong the life of the feline and alleviate the symptoms of the virus.

  1. Maritime Pine Antioxidant

    • Available in a 50ml blend, maritime pine antioxidant is added to the cat's food, preferably extra-smelly food like sardines. It acts as a specialist antioxidant that is stronger than vitamin C, which will clear the body of free radicals through physical exertion.

    Special Mix to Alleviate Symptoms

    • The mix includes violet leaves, comfrey, blue flag, dandelion, thuja, echinacea, hypericum, oak, walnut, olive and rescue remedy. Combined together in a blend, it is placed in the cat's food to help alleviate symptoms such as the chronic diarrhea and gum irritation that are major signs of the illness.

    Human Family Flu

    • The Human Family Flu is a 100ml blend. The dose is 20 drops, three times daily, in water. This lasts for about six weeks of continued treatment. Felines often contract the flu due to a diminished immune system, and Human Family Flu is an herbal mix that helps to rebalance the body and to aid in removing the illness from the body.