Home Remedies for a Cat's Bad Breath

It can be unpleasant when your cat has bad breath. Bad breath in cats, or halitosis, is often caused by bacteria, but certain smells that are not attractive to humans are natural in a cat. These come from the food the cat has eaten, such as meat or fish. Bacterial problems can be addressed by giving the cat treats or brushing its teeth regularly.

  1. Significance

    • Bad breath caused by bacterial growth indicates a need for proper dental hygiene. If this does not remove the problem, a veterinarian should examine the cat for more serious problems such as tumors, diabetes or foreign objects lodged in the mouth. To know if you need to see a vet, look for drooling, difficulty eating or oral discharge.


    • Begin a tooth brushing regimen by using your finger to apply the toothpaste. Gently pull back the cat's lip and rub the outside of the cat's teeth. It is not necessary to apply the toothpaste to the tongue side of the teeth. When the cat has become accustomed to your finger you can begin using a brush.

    Time Frame

    • You should begin brushing your cat's teeth from an early age, so that it will become accustomed to the procedure. The best time to do it is about a half hour after a meal. If you consistently follow it with a treat, such as drinking running water or being brushed, your cat may come to accept it more readily.


    • A cat toothbrush and cat toothpaste gel can be purchased at a pet store or online. There are two types of toothbrushes: an actual brush or a sleeve that fits over the finger. Cat treats with enzymes can also be purchased. These break down the bacteria in the mouth, but are not as effective as brushing.


    • Never use human toothpaste on your cat as this can make it ill. Do not force a toothbrush or any other object into the cat's mouth. If you are not gentle and careful, your cat may respond violently.