Natural Cures for Treating Tapeworms in Cats

Tapeworms are segmented parasites that live in the intestines of animals like dogs and cats. Once diagnosed, tapeworms can be eradicated using pharmaceutical or natural treatments. Many pet owners choose the natural treatment to avoid the potential negative affects of traditional drugs. In addition, natural remedies may have additional benefits for your cat's health.

  1. What are Tapeworms?

    • Tapeworms are flat, segmented parasites that attach to the inside of a cat's intestine. Because tapeworms can reproduce as a single organism they are especially threatening to cats. Tapeworms are spread when cats ingest the egg of a tapeworm. Infected animals pass eggs of tapeworms through their fecal matter. The eggs often stick to the cat's fur and are rubbed off in carpet or bedding.

    Symptoms of Tapeworms

    • Many cats have tapeworms without showing any signs. If left untreated, tapeworms can obstruct a cat's intestine, causing constipation and discomfort. Your cat's skin and hair coat can also become dull. Other symptoms can include upset stomach and changes in appetite. Tapeworms can be diagnosed by examining the stools of the cat. Once a cat has been diagnosed with tapeworms, several treatment options are available.

    Natural Treatments

    • Many pet owners prefer to avoid using medications because of the potential negative effects pharmaceuticals may have. For this reason, cat owners can choose to treat tapeworms naturally through herbs or other homeopathic remedies. There are several herbal ingredients that help treat and prevent tapeworms. For example, herbs like Wormwood, Ruta graveolens, Cloves, and Neem all have tapeworm-fighting properties. In addition to feeding one type of herb, many all-natural medications and supplements are available on the market to rid cats of worms. These can be found online at any natural pet care site, in your local pet specialty store or through your veterinarian.


    • Herbal and natural remedies can be beneficial to your cat in more than one way. For example, many of the herbs used to treat and prevent tapeworms in cats have other benefits as well. Wormwood and Ruta graveolens cleanse the digestive system, promote internal balance and help restore digestive health after a parasitic infection such as tapeworms. Cloves and Neem have antiseptic and antibacterial properties and act as natural parasite repellents.


    • The most common drawback of using a natural remedy for any health-related condition is that results will vary. Sometimes it will take longer to get rid of tapeworms with a natural treatment than it would if a pharmaceutical treatment were selected. In addition, every animal responds to treatments differently.