Siamese Cat Problems

The Siamese cat is an unusual breed, renowned for its beauty. Sleek and muscular, Siamese are classified according to color points. The coloration of their face, ears, tail and paws can be seal (brown) or blue (gray). Known for their intense blue eyes, Siamese are one of the oldest breeds of cats. Typically, they are long-lived cats, often living well past 15 years. They tend to be calm cats and make excellent pets, but they require companionship and attention if they are to behave at their best.

  1. Spraying

    • Many breeds of male cats spray. This is a way of marking territory. If your Siamese cat is spraying, have him neutered right away unless you plan to breed him. The procedure is simple and beneficial to the overall health of the cat. Often, owners misinterpret this behavior, thinking their very social and affectionate Siamese is "angry" at being left alone or "jealous" of a new pet.


    • Siamese cats are very sociable. When left alone for long periods of time, they can become destructive. They may wander in search of companionship, subjecting themselves to traffic and predator risk. If you work long hours or travel a great deal, consider a second cat. Often, this is enough to alleviate the loneliness and attendant bad habits.

    Loud Meowing

    • A Siamese cat in full voice is very loud. Siamese cats tend to be very vocal, and their voices can be remarkably loud. The cat sounds very much like a baby crying. Under certain conditions, your neighbors may hear these cries and become concerned. Alert your nearest neighbors of your cat's propensity for vocalization.

    Upper Respiratory Problems

    • Siamese cats became popular in the 1970s and 1980s. Like many popular breeds, certain genetic problems crop up, particularly if they are not bred responsibly. Upper respiratory infections may plague some Siamese. Provide a dry, warm sleeping environment that is free from drafts and dampness. When visiting a breeder of purebred Siamese cats, ask about inherited genetic respiratory conditions. Look closely around the cattery; all residents should have bright eyes and show no signs of coughing or wheezing.

    Kinked Tails

    • A kinked tail disqualifies a Siamese from the show circuit, but this condition is not painful or dangerous. Many years ago, the kinked tail was considered a desirable trait in the breed, but it is now considered a fault. Often, the kink is not visible and can only be spotted by running the hands along the tail.

    Crossed Eyes

    • Occasionally, a kitten will be born with crossed eyes. Again, this is a fault when it comes to showing a cat, but the problem does not seem to cause any distress to the cat. Due to the narrow, wedge shape of a Siamese cat's head, many cats appear to be cross-eyed but are not truly so. The condition does not affect the cat's behavior or health.

    Other Abnormalities

    • Certain genetic abnormalities appear in purebred Siamese cats. These include umbilical hernias, heart murmurs and kidney disease. These conditions are not unique to Siamese cats and can be managed with proper care. A regular program of veterinary exams, a sensible diet and moderate exercise will keep your noisy friend healthy and happy for years to come.